• 1 ноября 2019, пятница
  • Москва, Центр международной торговли

International day of import and export 2019

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Другие события организатора

Международный день импорта и экспорта
1933 дня назад
1 ноября 2019 c 9:00 до 23:00
Центр международной торговли

Annual exhibition-forum

We invite you on November 01 to the World trade Center on
The annual exhibition-forum of INTERNATIONAL day of the IMPORT AND export of 2019!

The purpose of the exhibition-forum is to create a discussion platform for the exchange of experience between successful Russian exporters and successfully localized foreign companies in Russia.
At the forum we give real working tools for entrepreneurs in Russia!
Logistics, banking and legal sector, insurance, SEZ, e-Commerce, etc.
And the organizing Committee is ready to continue to provide comprehensive support in the work in Russia!

We are preparing an extensive business program and exhibition area, which will accommodate all the variety of infrastructure offered by Russian companies — from banks and certifiers to special economic zones and logisticians. A large networking area inside the exhibition space is planned!

The exhibition-forum " international day of import and export 2019 "was created by an initiative group of professionals under the auspices of the Interregional public organization" Moscow Association of entrepreneurs " and Enfram company. The project is aimed at the implementation of successful cooperation between importers and retailers, entrepreneurs, suppliers and Executive authorities, the banking sector, scientists, developers, special economic zones, etc.

Tickets for the event of two categories-free, valid after confirmation of your registration by the organizing Committee.

VIP-tickets include seats on the first and second rows, presence in the vip-zone and communication with speakers, an invitation to the evening block "Arctic living room".

We wish you success in your business and see you at the forum!


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